Sunday, May 29, 2011

Celebration 1.

Carter turns the big FOUR this Saturday, June 4. Four on the Fourth. I believe that's called his GOLDEN birthday!

He is ALL about birthdays this year. He's been talking about his for months and has had major melt downs when someone else has a birthday and turns four before him. Especially at school, he's struggled with birthdays. But this last month, because his birthday is 'finally' almost here, he's been a better sport about celebrating others birthdays.

Back to school, turns out his school gets out this week and would have missed his birthday by three days. So, what's a mom to do? I'll tell you what. Bake cupcakes and take them to his class to celebrate his birthday EARLY. Yup, that's exactly what I did this morning.

He came home with a transformer from Mrs. Jeanette and exclaimed, "I had the BEST day at school." Success.So let's call this Birthday Celebration for Carter Number 1.

There is a slight risk that with all the planned celebrations this week, preschool party, playgroup party, birthday party, church birthday singing, and 1 actual birthday and then birthday celebrations planned for Idaho with the family, this kid may think he has 6 birthdays. I may just chalk it all up to the golden birthday and that's why we are doing so much celebrating. Yup, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Hugs, A

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