Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Galveston Island.
Our first trip to the beach, well the Gulf, this year.
We packed the boys and the grandparents in the car and headed to the gulf for some fun in the sun. We came armed with a new beach umbrella, chairs, shovels, buckets, sunscreen and happy faces.

The beach was pretty fun. The boys had a ton of fun and could have spent all day out there. Owen had no fear and loved the water and putting his face in it. Carter had a great time digging in the sand and chasing the waves on the shore. The weather was hot but there was a breeze to cool everyone off. The only downfall, which it's a good thing we brought our happy faces, was the insane amount of seaweed that covered the actual "beach." I love all beaches and hope this is only the first of beach trips for our family this summer.

Carter and Grandma.
Carter was barring her feet in the sand.
Papa and the boys.
Building sandcastles together.