Sunday, April 4, 2010

Egg Hunt.

Happy Easter Egg hunting!
This year we started a new family tradition. An Easter Egg hunt with our family. We hid eggs all over the yard and let the boys run around and fill their baskets with bright colored plastic eggs.

Carter was in heaven. This was his third egg hunt this week, but his first egg hunt without a limit on the number of eggs he could "find." He filled his basket to the rim and even went so far as to fill Owens basket as well. Owen is still figuring the egg hunt out. When he would spot one across the yard he would run as fast as his little toddler feet would carry him. Then he would want to hold on to it and not put it in the basket. He would have been happy just finding one egg.
Distractions during the egg hunt. Owen picked up an egg on the bottom step and moved it over so he could climb up the slide. Carter was more than happy to come put that egg in his basket.
There's an egg or two hiding in the new flower pot. It's spring and our porch needed some color and fresh flowers. They and the cute boys in the photo make me happy.
Owen and the dog starting to figure out there are things inside of the eggs. "Two Eggs!"Sorting the eggs and eating every last piece of candy in each of them. Mike and I were sitting on the porch and because the day was so beautiful and the boys were happy we just let them go at it. I even think our dog, Stieger, was able to get a few pieces.
Grandma supervising the sugar rush.Another family photo, if only we could get the boys to look up. We hope your holiday was filled with great family memories and your hearts were filled with the love of the Savior. Happy Easter to all of our friends and family!

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