Sunday, October 11, 2009

List to Catch Up.

It has been almost two weeks since I've really posted. We've had a lot going on and I really haven't had a chance to just sit down and blog. Then once I pass a certain point the task of blogging seems overwhelming, so much to catch up on and stories to tell about the kids. So I've decided to just list some of things we've been doing and start fresh with blogging tomorrow.

What's Up in the Dille House.
  1. Weevils. Three weeks ago our pantry was attacked by weevils. Started in the oatmeal and spread like the grasshoppers did to the pioneers. Wiping everything out in the process. We lost all of our food storage and pantry. Last May Mike expanded our pantry underneath the stairs so it was a large challenge to get rid of these nasty little bugs because our pantry was so large. For three weeks the pantry has been empty, and just Thursday I bought my first thing of flour that will be in the freezer to kill anything that might have come home in it from the store. What I've learned is proper food storage is a necessity and I am now investing in proper airtight containers and some gamma sealed lids.
  2. Fire Ants, Weeds and Mold. A constant battle in Houston in which we've been fighting.
  3. Grandma is in town! My mom signed a contract for three months to work in a local ER so she'll be staying with us through the rest of the year.
  4. With Grandma in town and a three bedroom house we've moved the boys into one room. So far so good. It's been a week and for the most part they both sleep through the night and in the morning the talk to each other. Rather endearing actually. Owen still cries when we put him down for the night and Carter goes right to sleep even with the crying.
  5. Let the fall cleaning and de-clutter continue. I'm really into getting rid of things right now and always pick the strangest times to go through closets, like at 10 p.m.
  6. I volunteered to head up playgroups for our church ward each Friday. A bigger task than I would have thought.
  7. Still hitting the gym hard each week. I'm on the sixth week of a new program and am loving it... most days. It involves a pretty intense lifting schedule and running. I'm not a runner. I use to to hate every minute of it. But now I'm learning to love it. Two and a half weeks ago I was able to run a full mile without stopping for a break, a big deal for me. There's a big difference in running and just doing cardio for an hour. Now I've been able to get my mile down to 8:53 minutes and run/walk 3-4 miles each time. Baby steps, I know. I'm just waiting for my ripped arms to appear any day now. :)
  8. Family pictures finally. With Owen turning one tomorrow we went out last weekend to have family pictures taken. Much more of a challenge than I had expected and although both children weren't smiling at the same time I believe we got a few good ones worthy of hanging in the dining room.
  9. Cars. Have a I mentioned how much I hate spending money of cars and the house? Well I do and we have on both of our cars this month. Puts a big ding in the budget. Good thing I stopped grocery shopping after the weevils. :)
  10. A stomach bug hit our house Sat. morning at about 3 a.m. with Carter and the afternoon ended with Owen having it. I'm grateful it came on the weekend when Mike was home to help and I'm grateful for our HE washer/dryer that was used for more than four loads on Saturday and for the sale on baby sheets last week so I had enough to keep changing after nap times and in the middle of the night. Mike and I have been feeling ok, just tending to little ones. Carter was feeling back to his toddler self today and I believe Owen it still trying to kick this thing but is over the vomit part, thank goodness. Funny thing is, it's was exactly a year ago we caught the same kind of stomach bug that put me into labor a month early with Owen. Crazy huh?
So really, that's just a few of the things we've been up to. Owen turns 1 tomorrow and I'm still in awe at how fast the past year went by. Mike is off to work tomorrow and grandma is off work. We really don't have much planned for tomorrow. Turning one seems like a family celebration to me, so just a nice night home with cake and presents for Owen.

With all of the "things" we've had going on over the best few weeks it's been a challenge for all of us. Not every trial has to be large to knock you down on your knees. I've also learned it can be a lot of little ones that can take your wind away, or one that comes unexpectedly. In the midst of all of this, I was able to teach Relief Society on "Fear Not, Be of Good Cheer," taken from Pres. Monsons talk last general conference. That lesson was for me, and touched my heart and helped me to turn to the Lord more in my life. I want to share a quote that has inspired me and helped my to 'gird up my loins'. I hope it will touch you as well and help you right now as it has helped me.

"I testify to you that our promised blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us. My beloved brothers and sisters, fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith."- President Monson

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