Friday, May 24, 2013

The Ladies.

A good friend of ours took this photo on Easter Sunday at the park and just this week printed out a copy for me as a surprise. I wanted to share. I am in love with it and being a mother to a daughter.
I dreamed of this and wanted so much to have a little girl. I have this amazing relationship with my mom and I want nothing more than to have the same with Lexie. The future is bright and there are memories to be had and moments to be cherished.
Hugs, A

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Toddler Antics.

It's as if, all of a sudden, she has morphed into a full blown toddler. Now, I know this did not happen over night, but it still feels like it. Perhaps as the new baby in my belly continues to get bigger the realization that Lexie will no longer be the baby and is getting bigger is starting to feel more real.
Right now she's working on all four molars, which makes for a cranky little lady. To give you a better idea, imagine a cute little thing, who then opens her mouth and lets out a scream loud enough to crumble mountains... yes, that is our Lexie. We are hoping and praying, this new little antic is rather a side effect to teething and not part of a blossoming drama personality.
Needless to say, she's still the cutest thing around. We still adore her, even as she screams at the dinner table to get your attention and then in the cutest tiniest little voice with pointed finger says, "this."
Yesterday we sat in the living room just the two of us and I was able to capture a bit of personality from our sweet little lady.
Climbing onto the couch to sit for just a moment with her lovie.
The calm quickly turned into scaling the couch.
Then realizing I had the camera, which prompted her to climb down and come after me with pointed finger, "this... this... this."
 Once I tucked the camera away off she went again for the basket of toys. This was a first dumping it all out to climb into the shelf. I wish I would have been faster to catch her proud accomplished smile.
 Making faces.
 Another stage has arrived. I can honestly say, I don't think we are ready for it. She will surely be a force in our little house.
Hugs, A

Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Seat.

At 15 months, she's finally upgraded to a big girl seat.
Makes us both laugh a little, because the boys were too big for their infant seat at 10 months and here is our little petite princess just now moving on up. The reaction from the boys was exactly as I thought and told Mike the night before when we were installing it...
"Oh Lexie, look at your big girl seat. You are so big, yeah Lexie!"

Monday, May 6, 2013


 Look what Lexie let me do this morning...
Her first little braid.
I seriously LOVE having her as our little girl.
Yes, I'm a bit giddy thinking that we'll soon have two little girls in our lives.
Also, realizing it will seriously slow me down in the morning.
Happy Monday!
Hugs, A

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Big Girl.

Seriously, when did she get so big?
 Eating a surprise hamburger and loving it.
 The weather on Thursday (our Saturday) was perfect. We spent the afternoon cleaning out the garage and then riding bikes. Planning to really take advantage of the last little bit of nice weather before summer slams into us with the heat and humidity.
Hugs, A