Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Grandma and the boys dying Easter eggs.
Grandma, "Let's go dye some eggs."
Boys, "No! We don't want the eggs to die!"
Once they figured out what it meant to dye eggs, they were all over it!
 The Easter baskets. Both boys dug into and devoured most of it before any of us got up in the morning. Hence not a picture with them holding their baskets. But I must say the Easter Bunny did dang good this year. The big hits, the lightening bug flashlights and bag of fake bugs.  
 Easter Sunday we went to the park for a picnic with several other families. We each brought a dish or two to share and then had a large egg hunt for the kids.

Owen was very selective in the eggs he wanted to take. He would pick them up, open them, and if he didn't like what he saw, he put them back on the ground. Hilarious really. Carter on the other hand was on fire, he was running every which direction filling his basket and took enough eggs for the both of them.
 Lawson and Carter checking out their eggs.
 Lexie and I parked it on the picnic blanket during the hunt.
 Mike and Owen sorting eggs.
 Lexie snoozing through the festivities.
Happy Easter.
Hugs, A

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