Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Yup, we're still alive.

My mom has retreated back to the States after two weeks of rocking our baby and wrangling little boys. I don't think I've ever been so emotional saying goodbye to her at the airport as I was last Thursday. This was a hard goodbye.

We celebrated Easter, did the egg hunt thing, went to the beach, spent a few afternoons at the pool where Lexie has already learned to love snoozing in the chair lounge poolside, library runs, started teaching Boot Camp again, played in the yard, organized the garage and sorted little boy clothes, mommy finally had a chance to sleep in and work out while grandma took care of the troupes at home. We even managed a date night and a few in town runs with grandma.

It's been a busy, yet not very productive three weeks. But such is life with a new baby. We do a lot of hanging out and rocking, walking, managing chaos and learning how to manage three little ones.

I have decided that with each child you should grow another arm. I mean really, I NEED another hand. Could you imagine how productive the Duggar lady would be with like 20 arms!

So yes, once again still alive.
Don't worry we have not been lost in the sandbox.
A bit behind on blogging, but it's on the to do list.

Hugs, A

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