Monday, October 17, 2011

Dino Party!

 Owen had his first big birthday party.  Last year we had just arrived to the sandbox so it was a family affair, this year we decided to do it right. We invited six other three year old little boys over for a morning of birthday celebrations and dinosaur hunting. Owen was the spotlight and loved it!

(This took a bit of planning over the summer- I brought a dishbarral box on the plane with just Owen birthday supplies. Presents, good bag supplies, decorations, wrapping paper and such. I came back prepared.)

We colored dinosaurs, read a book about dinosaurs and then "Dino Dad" aka: Mike, took the boys on a dinosaur hunt in the backyard. We then chowed on pizza, fruit and veggie trays, took a quick ten minute play break and dino tattoo installation break, and busted out the dino chocolate cupcakes. Sang a little Happy Birthday, covered little boy faces in chocolate icing, handed out balloons and goody bags and off the happy hyped up little boys went. It was a great party. Needless to say entertaining that many little guys takes a lot of work, so instead of snapping constant pictures we entertained and played.

Here are a few of the pictures we did get.
 The only photo I have of our guests and I'm missing several of them. We had Sam, Noah, Benjy, Max, Louie and Jax, and several moms for the morning. It was a great group, no real throw downs, just a good time all around. 
 The Big T Rex Balloon and goody table.
 Dino Chocolate cupcakes. Great idea mom for cupcake toppers.
 Opening presents.

 I didn't even manage to take a photo of the goodie bags. They had dino tattoos, mini m&m's, lollipops, dino finger puppets, a dino party blower and a set of dino's that expand in water.

I'm so glad Owen had his time in the birthday light. He loved having his friends over. He loved the dino theme, searching for blow up dinosaurs in the yard, chasing his friends with his dino nose on and has thoroughly enjoyed all of his presents. The biggest hit is a huge Spiderman bouncing ball, you know the ones with a handle you bounce on. Toy of choice right now.

We've got one happy little 3 year old. Although calling him 'little' no longer seems to fit. He's all big boy these days.

Here's to a great third year Owen.
Happy Birthday!

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