Sunday, December 19, 2010


Carter has been requesting to wear a tie to church for the past few weeks. Our shipment arrived and lucky for him, so did a Tie just his size.
Carter was excited all morning about his church clothes for the day. He was also happy to take a few pictures for Grandma when we got home that morning.
My two handsome guys in ties. Carter and I, the view up the street.
Owen on the other hand was not as excited about the photos. Church time here is hard for him and he usually comes home flat out exhausted.
My babies still seem like babies to me. It's only when I take photos and see them on the computer I begin to realize how big our boys are really getting.
How lucky I am to be here with them each day and watch them grow.


Em and Tom said...

WOW!!! Glad you got your stuff! You look darling in that pic!

beckmarsh said...

ok, WHERE did you get that amazing dress? Please don't say it's from a little market around the corner from your house. It's beautiful and I want one.
Glad you're having a good holiday and settling in there.