Saturday, December 1, 2007

Hurray for the holidays!

I love the holidays. With this being said, I have decided to deck our blog out holiday style. I'm actually pretty impressed with myself. This is just the beginning I can see other creativity blooming in the near future for me. Mike came home today, looked at what I was doing with the blog and then commented about how he was jealouse that I could stay home take care of Carter and play on the internet. I have to admit I really do love being a mommy!


Lindsay said...

This is way super cute! Is this what our Christmas cards are gonna look like? I spend too much time reading everyone elses blogs to worry about mine. I figure, as logn as it has pictures, grandmas are happy! I have found 2 friends from high school from this whole blogging thing just in a couple is fun and addicting! See you tonight!

Ammon said...

Are you doing your own Christmas cards too? I can't wait to get mine.